Manual for EKOPEL 2K Bathtub Coating
If you have any questions, please contact us before your bathtub refinishing
Safety measures
It is recommended to use personal protection equipment. For hand protection – rubber gloves. For respiratory organs protection – 3M half facepiece respirator with filters.
In case of material contact with skin or eyes – wash immediately with plenty of water. In case of allergic reaction seek medical advice. Keep material out of reach of children. Toxic if swallowed, not to be used for human or animal dyeing.
Storage and material heating
  • Keep material in closed original container, keep dry at a temperature above 0ºC.
  • In case of material frozen during transportation or storage, it should be heated to indoor temperature. For this purpose, put the material to the warm place, for example, near the heating element for 24 hours.
  • To decrease viscosity, heat the resin (component A) to +30ºC. For heating, use heat gun or any other heating source, for example, electric radiator. To avoid indoor water steam generation it is not recommended using hot water for heating the material.
  • Do not heat up the hardener (component B).
  • Do not heat up ready mixture (component A + component B). It may reduce it's pot life.
  • Bathroom temperature during the process of material application and 2 days after application should not fall below +22ºC.
  • Temperature of component A before mixing with hardener should not fall below +24ºC
Preparation of bathtub for material application
  1. Take everything away from the bathroom: tubes, towels, bathrobes, bath rugs to minimize dust generation. Close the window if there is any. Limit access to the bathroom for children and animals.
  2. Turn off all taps, cover them with plastic bags, to avoid water entry to the bathtub. Check that there is no condensation on the pipes above the bathtub.
  3. Glue the masking tape over the ceramic tile not to make it dirty.
  4. Remove old caulk from bathtub edge.
  5. Wash the bathtub with any strong cleaning agent that will help to remove lime scale and rust or cleaning agent from the set.
  6. To remove lime scale completely, use abrasive means (sandpaper, grinding heads).
  7. The area around the drain should be cleaned particularly well.
  8. If there are deep splits in the bathtub, fill them with epoxy or polyester filler.
  9. Use sodium bicarbonate to neutralize acidic-type cleaning agent, strewing it over the surface and scrub with the brush.
  10. Wash the bathtub with warm (not hot!) water.
  11. Dry the bathtub out with microfiber cloth. The bathtub should be perfectly dry.
If the bathtub was already coated before, we recommend removing old coating completely. If it is impossible to remove it completely, it is necessary to rub down thoroughly the areas with flaking coating.
Material mixing
  1. Shake well the bottle with the hardener (component B) before pouring it into the component A.
  2. It is recommended to use mixer on low speed of 150-180 rpm or stick from the set. It is necessary in any case to use the stick from the set for scraping the material off the walls and for homogeneous mixing.
  3. First time mixing should last for 15 minutes. Then close the material tightly and wait for 5 minutes. During this time the components will start to react with one another. After that it is recommended to mix again. Second mixing should last for 10 minutes.
  4. It is necessary to mix two components until you get a homogeneous mixture without any lumps; the stick should not glue to the pail walls and bottom when mixing.
  5. To avoid entry of unmixed material to the bathtub don't scrape it from the container bottom.
Option 1. Resurfacing with siphon dismantling
This resurfacing option suggests the dismantling of siphon (drain-overflow system) before application of ready mixture. This is the most simple and fast resurfacing method. You will need about 2-3 hours to finish all resurfacing works.
  1. Dismantle the siphon
  2. Put empty 500 ml container under the drain hole (it can be plastic bottle without upper part). Material residue will seep to this container.
  3. It is recommended to glue Duct tape on the overflow to create a "jointless" wall to form a smooth layer. When the wall with overflow is completely covered with the material, remove the Duct tape.
  4. It is recommended to apply thin layer of silicone on the edge of drain hole from the outside of the bathtub. It is easy to make with the finger.
  5. It will allow cutting off hardened drops of the coating on the drain hole before mounting the siphon back.
  6. Glue Duct tape on the overflow. When the resurfacing will be finished remove the Duct tape.

Option 2. Resurfacing with dismantling of upper siphon cover
This resurfacing option suggests dismantling of metal siphon cover without dismantling the whole siphon. You need approximately 4 -5 hours for bathtub refinishing when using this option.
  1. Remove the overflow cover (on the side wall of bathtub) and glue the masking tape over the hole. It is recommended to glue Duct tape on the overflow to create a "jointless" wall to form a smooth layer. When the wall with overflow is completely covered with the material, remove the Duct tape.
  2. Remove the metal cover from drain hole (on the bottom of bathtub)
  3. Check if the 200 ml plastic cup fits tightly into the drain hole. If it doesn't fit find another cylinder-shaped plastic thing that will tightly close the drain hole in order to avoid entry of non-hardened material into the pipe. Put the cup (or the thing you have instead) aside at this stage.
  4. Glue the masking tape over the drain hole in such a way that masking tape protects drain hole and the area around it. When gluing the tape, leave one end unglued to remove it easy when the work is finished.
  5. It is not necessary to use all material in the container. For bathtub with up to 1,7 m length it is recommended to use not more than 3 kg.
  6. When material covers the whole bathtub surface and the bottom is even, remove extra material from drain area with a disposable spoon into empty cup. Keep removing until material stops pouring into the drain place. Then remove the masking tape and put tightly a 200 ml plastic cup into the drain hole.
  7. After material hardening take off the cup.
  8. Grind the sharp edges of the drain hole with sandpaper and put the metal cover back. Take into account that thickness of bathtub bottom has changed and you may need a longer screw to fasten the metal cover.
Option 3. Bathtub resurfacing without siphon dismantling
If it is impossible to dismantle the siphon or its upper cover (it is mainly relating to old metal siphons), do the next steps. You will need about 6-7 hours for bathtub resurfacing when using this option.
  1. Glue the masking tape on the overflow (hole on the bathtub wall) in order to protect cover from material entry
  2. Glue the masking tape over the drain hole, cut masking tape to the overflow shape. Make 3 tape layers not to tear it during work.
  3. It is not necessary to use all material in the container. For bathtub with up to 1,7 m length it is recommended to use not more than 3 kg.
  4. Make some kind of barrier of masking tape on the bathtub bottom around the drain hole in order to prevent material flow to the drain hole.
  5. When material covers the whole bathtub surface and the bottom is even, take off the "barrier" to let the material flow to the drain with masking tape on it.
  6. When the material flows to the drain hole remove it with a disposable spoon into empty cup. Please note: when you are leaning over the bathtub you may brush against bathtub edge, so, be attentive. Keep removing the material until it stops flowing into the drain place. Then remove the masking tape.
  7. It is still possible that the material will flow into the drain hole that is why close it with a plug or crumpled paper towel.
  8. In case if the material flew over the drain cover, it can be removed in 12 hours: heat up the material with a hairdryer and clean up with a knife.
Material application
  1. After all works with siphon are finished, start to apply the ready mixture. You can apply it whether from the bucket or pour it into another container, e.g. 500 ml plastic cup.
  2. Pour the ready mixture to the bathtub edges. Start pouring from the far edge. The material will flow down covering the edges and the wall.
  3. Do not hesitate to pour the material on the edges. If there is an area not yet covered just pour the material on this area. When all edges are covered with the material proceed with walls covering. Before that take off the masking tape that protected ceramic tile. If there is no more material in the bucket take it from the bottom with a putty knife and pour onto the walls.
  4. At some point you may think that there is not enough material. But the material flows down slowly from the edges along the walls to the bottom and will cover the whole surface.
  5. If you see the thick layer of material on the horizontal edge you can take material from this area with the putty knife and add to the uncovered area on the bathtub.
  6. After edges and walls are completely covered with material and there are no roughness and downflows, proceed with bottom smoothing. If you see roughness on the bathtub bottom you can add material to the bottom and heat it up with a blow dryer. Small roughness and downflows can be removed if you heat up this area with a blow dryer.
  7. After the whole surface will be covered with the material it is recommended to heat up all horizontal surfaces with a blow dryer. It will speed up the process of air- removing from the cover.
  8. After 7-8 hours take off the rest of the masking tape on the bathtub edges. After this time the cover is still soft but doesn't flow already. If you can not take off the masking tape after 7-8 hours and the cover is already hardened, heat up the hard surface with a blow dryer and take off the masking tape.
  9. After hardening it is recommended to wash the cover with warm water and soft sponge without any cleaning agents.
Important about care
  • Curing time for Ekopel 2K is 48 hours – at or above +23°C; 72 hours at +20-22°С.

  • We don't recommend to use any bath additives and hair dyes. But if you do want to use them, we recommend that you refrain from using them for 14 days after the material has been applied. Immediately after usage, wash off residues of hair dye or bath additives so that they do not stain the coating.

  • To ensure that the new coating lasts for a long time, only mild cleaning agents may be used (with a mild acid base). It is important to grind the cleaner to foam immediately after application. Otherwise, it may stain the surface. Then leave the cleaner for a few minutes according to the instructions.

Types of known defects
Cover peeling


1. Insufficient preparation of bathtub surface. Result: on the areas where the surface was not rubbed down thoroughly the material doesn't penetrate into enamel cavities and after some time there will be a gap under the material layer. If you pull on this area, crack may appear.

To observe recommendations indicated in chapter "Preparation of bathtub for material application"

2. Chips occurring on the ready cover. The chips should be repaired immediately. Result: if not to do this, the water will entry through the chip under the cover that will cause complete material peeling. Ask us for repair kit.

Insufficient preparation of surface means that there were grease deposits, rust, lime scale, dirt, old chipped off paint, caulk, and also if the bathtub surface was not absolutely dry. Workers often forget about drain hole that should be properly rubbed down and about old caulk that should be completely removed before material application. The most difficult thing during preparation process – complete decalcification.

The layer has not hardened

The cover has not hardened over the whole surface in 48 hours after application or there are some unhardened areas.

1. Temperature conditions of material application are infringed.
2. Material mixing process is infringed.

New layer of the cover has downflows and roughness.

1. Temperature conditions of material application are infringed. Cold material in cold room will hardly flow on cold bathtub.
To observe recommendations indicated in chapter "Storage and material heating".

Reddish streaks occurred on the cover after some weeks.

1. process of material mixing was infringed
2. temperature and humidity conditions were infringed
3. material storage conditions were infringed.
To observe recommendations indicated in chapters "Preparation of bathtub for material application" and "Storage and material heating".
Please contact our team if you have any questions about bathtub resurfacing with EKOPEL 2K
My name is Ilya Patrin. I'm CEO of PATRIN GLOBAL. It's manufacture of EKOPEL 2K. We will be happy to guide you through a bathtub resurfacing.